Industry newspaper print press printing newspapers at an impressive speed
case study:
Ekstra Bladet

How to survive a digital future?


The print media death knell is sounding loud and clear; with Ekstra Bladet already deep in a digital transformation, the continues structural change in the media markets requires continuously reinvention of their online presence, to maintain relevance and strengthen their dominance in digital news media consumption – but how?


What value do readers really think Ekstra Bladet brings? What do they think of digital media? We needed to figure out the deep motivations that make Ekstra Bladet, the guilty pleasure of the news world, so incredibly popular.


A responsive new segmentation model and brand strategy that hits the nail on the head, adapts to changing conditions, and ensures Ekstra Bladet maintains its popularity and a strong connection to its core customers.

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We helped future proof Ekstra Bladet

The motivation-segments from IS IT A BIRD gave us a deeper understanding of our current and potential audience than we have ever had before. We can better reach the right Danes, with the right content, in the right usage situations.
Business Development Manager, Kasper Lindskow
the challenge

These are challenging times for traditional print media. Ekstra Bladet’s primary revenue stream is from sales of its print edition, and while sales are currently on track, it is widely accepted that a plummet is imminent. Ekstra Bladet realized it needed to ramp up its digital offerings, particularly video.

IS IT A BIRD brought a user centric approach to Ekstra Bladet, in order to help them develop new digital publications. We set out to understand readers’ perceptions of Ekstra Bladet, and gain an understanding of their general media habits. What motivates Danes to consume media? What are their information needs? Do readers have respect for the brand? How can Ekstra Bladet create and distribute content in the best way and captivate the right audience?

the approach

We gathered insights through digital self-documentation, ethnographic interviews and an online survey among Danes aged between 15 and 60.

As part of the digital ethnography participants reported on their everyday media use; this gave insight into the habits and contexts around digital media. The ethnographic interviews allowed us to analyse individual motivations and attitudes, while the large survey made it possible to map the entire population’s motivations for media use, and define segmentations.

The Result

We created a new segmentation model, comprised of motivation-segments that reflected key drivers for media consumption as well as demographic information and lifestyle insights.

It elaborated on the opportunities and barriers when targeting each segment. We made sure that the motivation-segments were flexible so they could respond to, or compensate for, the changes in media usage that we anticipated.

This deep understanding has directly contributed to the development of a new media project aimed at young Danes, set to be launched in the summer of 2017. Our evaluation of Extra Bladet’s brand position, strengths and weaknesses is also being applied to the development of its future branding campaigns.

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